Thursday, November 18, 2010

Ativan kind of day!

Things wrong with today:

1. Madallyn apparently woke up the wrong side of the bed causing a fight before school. Causing me to be in a wonderful mood to start the day off!

2. My FT babysitter bailed on me. So now I have to find a new sitter for my crazy work schedule!

3. Madison and Connor decided to make a huge mess upstairs and then didn't want to clean it up. They decided it was more fun to play then clean, causing Madison to be late for school. Or then when you tell her to hurry up she just stands there and stares at you like you have a third eye!

4. THE DOG! Ryan's dog to be exact! Is a gigantic PAIN IN THE ASS!! If he is not jumping the fence to tear up the neighbors trash, he is peeing ALL OVER my house, or hiding from me when it is time to go into the kennel so I can leave to go to work! So we now have ourselves a KENNEL DOG! End of story!

5. I have to go paint the parade float for work today and DO NOT have the time to do it!

6. I want a gym membership and do not have a gym membership! I AM SICK OF BEING FAT!!!!!

7. We are still broke and now Ryan doesn't want to go to Disneyland during his leave! How do we break that to the kids who think we are going to Disneyland during his leave?!

It is noon and I am already over this day!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Medication works well.Started taking 1 a day. 2 pills were ok'd as needed. Some days I do need the extra pill in the afternoon. I've had no side efffects. I can handle the anxiety and irritation alot better.
